Londonart a current wallpaper should know how to combine design, functionality and materials. The beautiful of a wallpaper, però, is a contemporary element and custom made in the being, capable of responding to the different needs of space, coverage and design.
londonart is all this: we studied and created sartorial level wallpapers, works of authentic craftsmanship, for a contemporary, design, unique and functional product.
the identity of our brand is a fashion combination, graphic elements and architecture; materials, fabrics, aesthetics and decoration that bring to the functionality and the need for rationality of the spaces, for results of impact and harmonics.
The contemporary needs were the wondpaper londonart a pure of furnishing, specific and on demand - on the size, for every measure and out of every standard - that responds to all the needs of designers, architects and furnishers.
londonart is contemporaneity:
an international spirit in a craftsmanship and atelier: a name, londonart, that recalls the essence of the art of design, through the concepts of decoration and design. a universe of expressions to transform every space in furnishing. wondpapers londonart become so fashion that was the surfaces, design that transforms the environments.
londonart is functionality:
a new conception of the wallpaper as a element of pure furniture, capable of transforming every space in a unique, personal and innovative complement.
we have searched and designed a wallpaper that is a concrete proposal to give a rational expression, capable to solve the problem of the empty spaces, because customizable and to the measure of every need.
londonart is art:
londonart wallpaper patterns were created wisely by our designers: artists, architects, illustrators, tattoo artist and stylist that make hands, eyes and ideas in a commitment of inspiration and mood from metropolitan, natural or illustrative touch, that furnishes with multiplicity of solutions, beauty and design.